September 19, 2018

Lunch with Jane:

I’m slow posting because it’s been a busy couple of days. But I wanted to make sure I saw my stepmom on Monday before leaving town so I invaded my brother & sister-in-law’s last visit.

My dad was feeding Jane lunch when I arrived – of course I had a cupcake for her. So he fed her lunch & then I took over for dessert. Matt & Marianne were waiting for us at the clubhouse. Jane can easily become overwhelmed so we all try to respect her needs first. I was even worried my intrusion would be too much, but thankfully Jane was having a really good day on Monday & was very happy to have us all there visiting her. After she finished her cupcake, we headed to the clubhouse to visit.

Jane smiled at each of us & wanted to hold both my hand & Marianne’s hand. She had lots to say, but unfortunately most of her words came out jumbled together & we can’t understand. However, she was very alert & aware of what we said to her & if you asked her a yes or no question she gave a very clear response. We stayed in the clubhouse for an hour visiting & you could Jane was content & happy. When it was time to leave, all four of us walked her back & got her settled in. My stepmom has always been one who loves attention so it makes her happy when we all focus on her like this. It’s the little things that matter now. Before I left, I asked her what she would like me to bring her from Paris. She gave me clear directions. My dad asked her if I should bring her a chocolate croissant & she said no. I said because you know it wouldn’t make it to you right? She said yes & smiled. She & I both know it’s because she meant I would eat it before I got off the plane. It’s ok -it’s true.

We asked Emely to take a family picture of us when she came to the clubhouse. Jane doesn’t have the ability to smile on command anymore or really understand to look at the camera, but when I showed her this pic after Emely took it, she smiled. I know it makes her happy to see us all together.