October 5, 2016

My Wednesday lunch date! They say eyes are the windows to our souls. I will add eyes never lie. It’s getting harder for Jane to smile, but the sparkle in her eyes is still there when she sees me. Of course when we text my dad our picture & he responds back something about his beautiful princess, she smiles from ear to ear. True love at its finest.

Jane is enjoying the cooler temps & we had a longer walk today. But her language is rapidly failing her. Today was mostly jibber jabber. And then she pats my hand to make sure I understood. I did get a nice big hug from her today after lunch when we headed out for our walk. That was nice & not something that always happens. This disease is cruel & gives no warning to what capabilities it will take from its victim that day. No warning what it will give back tomorrow or when it will take it away again. I do my best to just talk with Jane & share stories. She still loves my crazy dog stories & you bet she thought Enzo running through the brand new screen door was funny.

Make every day count.