October 26, 2016

My beautiful lunch date! Jane was up & eating lunch already when I got there, so I took over for Emely – one of the aids in Jane’s home. She had beef stew which Emely said she loved. And then I was helping her eat her salad which wasn’t as exciting. So I told Jane if she finished her salad for me we could go for our walk & then come back for dessert which made her happy. Jane was very quiet today, but seemed content. It was a day where the disease had taken most of her words from her. But somehow Jane always figures out a way to communicate with me. Today it was looking deeply into my eyes & stopping often during our walk to give me a hug. She also holds my hand & will lean in to me when we sit on the swing. It’s the simple things.

Apparently someone taught my dad how to send GIFs from his iPhone because in addition to his loving words to his wife, he also sent her silly GIFs which she loved. I always tell my dad he needs to watch for my text when I am with Jane. She expects me to send our picture to him & she expects him to respond back to her. On the days he is tied up & doesn’t respond immediately, she keeps looking for his response.

Today Jane & I watched the birds & talked about my trip to Paris. She is beginning to hallucinate occasionally & will yell at someone whom I don’t see. Sometimes she gets quite upset & we need to move. Apparently moving gets her away from whatever she is seeing. Dementia is a horrible disease, yet I am so grateful for my lunch dates with Jane. I am grateful she recognizes me, even if she doesn’t realize I am her daughter. And I am grateful my visits bring her comfort. I fear the day when that is not the case.