November 8, 2016

Super busy day today so just now getting a chance to post to FB.

Wednesday lunch with Jane was today because I would much rather enjoy time with my stepmom than pay attention to the election (I voted 2 weeks ago by mail).

Today was tough. Jane was having a bad day. She did not recognize me. A few times she had a splash of recognition & would smile at me, but the memory would fade as fast as it came. We walked really slow outside & she was silent for the most part. She was also having what seemed like muscle tremors. She did want to take a picture for my Dad & when I read his text message back to her she smiled from ear to ear – the only genuine smile I saw the entire visit today. She may not remember me, but she always remembers my dad & remembers her love for him. It really is magical to see how deep her love is & how deep my dad’s love is for her. My brother & sister-in-law visited with Jane yesterday & he said his mom was distant but did recognize them so today was worse than yesterday. We have reached the stage where there are more bad days than good. I hate this disease. Dementia sucks.