May 4, 2017

Today is my dad’s birthday & Jane & I have been secretly planning to surprise him. If you read my Wednesday posts with Jane, then you know how she loves cupcakes. And she loves my dad – but he never gets to share her cupcake because that’s a special treat Jane & I share. So – last week I asked her if we should get cupcakes for my dad for his birthday & Jane said “oh yes!” with delight. I asked again yesterday when I visited just to make sure & again I received a very clear YES! So we talked about flavors & Jane decided my dad needed a birthday cupcake (that’s the name of the flavor).

We made it a family affair – including Domino! Jane was happy & my dad was surprised. Win!

Jane may not always be able to communicate with us, but one thing she is very clear about is her love for my dad. I’m glad I was able to help her show my dad how much he means to her on his birthday.

Happy birthday Dad!