May 14, 2017

Took a cupcake to Jane for mother’s day. Would she want anything else? My dad was there too & was sitting next to her so he helped her with the cupcake. He got distracted & wasn’t feeding it to her fast enough – now the rest of the family understands how much she enjoys those cupcakes!

I asked Jane if we should have Gary take a picture of her with her kids & she said yes & smiled. So that’s why he isn’t in the picture with us. And then we video conferenced with Bobbi so Jane got to see & talk to all of her kids today. Bobbi has been thinking about adopting my foster pup Mo because she fell in love with him when she was here visiting earlier this year. But she isn’t sure she is ready for 3 dogs. You know I am not the right person to ask about that so I said, let’s ask your mom! While we were video chatting, I said Jane – do you think Bobbi should adopt Mo? Clear as day Jane said yes. So Bobbi said really – you think I should have 3 dogs? And Jane said yes. I asked her one more time before we hung up & again she said yes. I told Bobbi her mom is never wrong when I’ve asked her direction questions like this when I’m indecisive about something. She still seems to know the right answer. We wore Jane out today so my dad walked her back to her room to take a nap. But I do believe it was a good day for Jane & she enjoyed seeing everyone. May not be the Mother’s Day most are having, but it brought a smile to Jane’s face. That’s what matters at this stage.