March 22, 2017

Wednesday lunch with Jane:

She was happier today than last week, greeting me with a big smile that also lit up her eyes. She quietly ate her lunch & then seemed to have some trouble with her shake. Was her mind not understanding swallowing liquids? She normally enjoys her shake & did not have challenges swallowing her solid food. However, she spilled a bit of her shake & did not finish all of it. I no longer fight Jane with her food – she eats what she likes & skips what she doesn’t. We went for a walk after lunch & enjoyed the cooler temps here in Phoenix. Jane attempted to talk a few times, but only jibber jabber came out. She still held my hand tightly & seemed to want to walk, even if it was at a slow pace. It’s getting harder for Jane to sit in the swing so we chose today to sit on the couch in the clubhouse. Jane seemed content to sit quietly with me. I chatted about my day & my dogs & she listened. I asked her how she was feeling today & she said ok. The only question she seemed able to answer for me today.

Jane seemed to tire after our walk so we went back into her house. We sat on the couch for awhile watching tv with some of the other residents. I mentioned her birthday was coming up & she gave me a blank stare. So I asked – would you like me to make cupcakes for your birthday? She smiled & said yes. One of her housemates said you can bring me one too so I told Jane I would make enough for the entire house & we would all celebrate.

Dementia sucks.