March 14, 2021

Wow – so hard to believe it’s been a full year since I have been able to hug my stepmom. To sit with her & hold her hand. To talk to her about my day. To just be with her.

I’m still not going to tell you I support the lockdown – even a year later. A year was stolen from my stepmom, from my dad, from my brother & sister-in-law. We all used to visit her every week – nearly daily in my dad’s case.

Jane has now had both doses of the vaccine. Yet restrictions have still not let up to allow us to visit. Does the government really know what is best for my stepmom? No – I am going to tell you no.

My only hope is one day soon I will be allowed in to hug my stepmom. To hold her hand, look her in the eyes & tell her I love her. I am grateful I visited every week & told her I loved her every chance I had. Even when the visits were hard, they were still important to both of us.

*March 14, 2020 was my last visit before the lockdown*