July 19, 2017

Wednesday lunch with Jane!

I was running late because I decided kind of last minute to make cupcakes so I needed one to cool enough I could frost. Jane said it was ok – she much prefers fresh, Jen homemade cupcakes to feeding her lunch. In good mom form, she told me my cupcakes are her favorite! I made 2 dozen for Wasatch’s birthday & the dog’s do not need that many so I told Jane I would drop a bunch off with my Dad this afternoon so he can bring her cupcakes each day this week. She said oh ok – good!

It was a pretty good day today. Jane smiled & gave me a hug when I got there. As we were walking back to her house after our visit, she stopped to hug me again. But she was really missing my dad today – she kept talking about him. When we texted him, she wanted me to remind him to bring her more homemade cupcakes tomorrow. Simple pleasures.

I told Jane all about my trip to New Orleans. How I have a new fire lit inside me to build a massive business – to stop talking about it & allowing fear to question my abilities. To lean into my talents I know I posses & grow the most amazing business surrounded by people who are my tribe! She patted my arm in support. I then told her about all the amazing food I ate & the beignets & she said no – you stop that! Apparently she is encouraging my new journey of health & fitness too without me even telling her!

It is not as hot here in Phoenix today – it’s below 100, but it’s over 40% humidity, which is a lot for us. It feels very muggy & the air is almost stifling so we didn’t spend much time outside today. However, Jane wanted to walk so we made several laps in the clubhouse & then several more in her house. Jane told me she wasn’t tired today so when it was time for me to get back to work, I left her sitting on the couch. I told her I would see her soon. She smiled, said ok & then leaned forward for me to kiss her goodbye. I always kiss her on her forehead when I leave – apparently she enjoys that.

I hate that Jane & I can no longer have conversations. I hate that she so desperately tries to tell me something & only gibberish comes out. But there are still some ways she communicates with me & for that I am grateful. The smiles when I get there, holding my hand & leaning close. All signs of love & I am thankful. We never know when a bad day will pop up so I make an effort to be even more present with Jane on the good days.