July 10, 2017

Wednesday lunch with Jane on Monday!

I’m heading to New Orleans on Wednesday but I still wanted to get my weekly visit in with Jane so I went today. My brother, Matt, will visit with his mom on Wednesday in my absence.

You may remember last week I mentioned the cupcake store would be closed this week. Jane told me to try AJ’s so I did. I don’t recommend that. They did have a cupcake, but only chocolate (which is what Jane requested – luckily) & it was half the size I normally bring. And basically the same price!! Jane said it tasted fine but not to go there again. I didn’t even take a picture of it – it was that pathetic!

Jane was sitting in a chair in the great room when I got there today. She had refused to eat breakfast & didn’t seem to be in a hurry for lunch. She smiled when I got close to her – maybe she doesn’t see far away anymore? I asked if she wanted to eat lunch & she nodded her head yes & stood up with only a little assistance from me. She ate well for me but didn’t want all of her chocolate milk – which is not normal. Even after eating her cupcake she wouldn’t finish her milk. I never force her to eat anything – if she says no twice, I let it go. I do always get 2 solid no’s just to confirm we are on the same page.

After lunch we headed out for our walk. It’s hot & muggy here today so we walked to the clubhouse & then did several laps inside the clubhouse. Jane walks very slow, so this is not as big of a deal as it may sound. I would say we slowly stroll around the room. When Jane slowed down, I asked if we should head back to her house & watch tv & she immediately headed that direction so I guess that meant yes.

I suppose if I had to rate today, I would say average leaning towards poor. Jane seemed to be trying very hard to tell me something but her words came out as jibber jabber. Oh how I wish I spoke jibber jabber! I did not get many smiles today though I know Jane recognized me. She held tightly to my hand – even when we were sitting on the couch. And she didn’t seem tired like she does some days. When we got back to her house, we walked into Jane’s room to put her sunglasses away & she made it clear she did not want to stay in her room. We walked back out to the great room & rotated between sitting on the couch & slowly walking the room. When it was time for me to leave, Jane had sat down in a chair. It’s almost like she knew our visit was up. I kissed her goodbye & asked her to take good care of my dad while I was out of town. She said yes – ok.