January 4, 2017

Spent lunch with Jane today. Since it was my birthday, I brought treats & I brought enough for the entire house so let’s just say I was the favorite of everyone today! It was a beautiful day to walk, but Jane didn’t want to stay outside as long. She was a bit antsy for some reason so we only did 1 lap, chatted for a few minutes in our swing & then went inside. I told Jane it was my birthday & asked her if she knew how old I was. She said 22. I said close – 43. Can you believe you are old enough to have a 43 year old daughter? She said NO! Jane asked where my dad was today – I said he’s off being silly. She said oh – ok. So I told her it was her fault he was silly – he is her husband. She said yeah ok & smiled.

Jane is about the same as she has been for the past week. No better, no worse. She still eats well, but her walking is definitely slowing & she always wants to hold my hand – I suspect for stability. She tries to talk to me, but often times it’s jibber jabber that comes out. I do believe she still understands me & will say yes or no when I ask questions. She always reacts with a smile when my dad responds back to our picture we faithfully text him every visit.

I always share any comments Jane’s family has made to me when I visit & she enjoys that. I believe it makes her feel safe & loved knowing so many are concerned for her. Today we talked about my sister Bobbi, niece & nephew. They are all coming to visit soon which makes Jane very happy. I told Jane her granddaughter was feisty & Jane said Yes! I said “and where do you suppose she got that from? It wasn’t her mom. Could it be she got it from you – her grandmother?” Jane grinned from ear to ear & said ok. I will continue to talk to Jane & share stories until she leaves this earth. There may come a day where I don’t get a reaction from her, but I know she loves hearing about her family.

Since Jane had wanted to go in early today, we sat on the couch & watched tv as I texted my dad. Normally that is the only time I have my phone out when I visit Jane but since today is my birthday, I kept getting texts. Jane loved the text from my sister in law with a picture of Lola, but she quickly lost her patience & took my phone from me & stood up. I asked her if she wanted to go for another walk & she said YES! I love that she isn’t hesitant to remind me what’s important in life. The texts could wait – this was my time with Jane.