January 18, 2017

Wednesday lunch with Jane! She was just getting ready to sit down to lunch when I arrived – she saw me & gave me a huge smile. I helped her sit & told her I brought her a special treat – an Enzo birthday cupcake. She likes my cupcakes so she was happy. She ate really well for me. Jane is no longer able to feed herself but I think she enjoys being fed her lunch. As long as I talk to her & give her my undivided attention she will eat well. She used to be able to hold onto a glass so she could drink at her leisure, but now I hold it for her. I hate watching this disease take her independence away from her.

Jane was happy today. I told her it’s a big day – Bobbi & the kids are on their way. She said yeah?!?! She’s really been looking forward to their visit.

After Jane ate her lunch, I got the cupcake for her & told her it was Enzo’s birthday. I said, “can you believe he’s 3 already?” She said yeah. And then I said that means he’s 21 in dog years & can legally drink! She giggled a very genuine laugh. I loved it! I can’t remember the last time I heard my stepmom laugh.

As we were getting ready to head out for our walk, my brother & sister-in-law arrived. Matt loves to be goofy with his mom & Jane was really enjoying it today. She giggled a bit at him & gave him several huge smiles. It was a nice visit.

Jane has good days & she has bad days. She’s mostly lost her ability to speak but today she was able to get a few words out. She walks very slow now & tires quickly but overall she was happy today. I know she has been waiting for my sister Bobbi to visit & I expect another day of happiness soon. I know our days are limited & I know we may reach a point where Jane does not recognize any of us. So I choose to focus on the positive days & make sure my stepmom always knows how much she is loved.