January 10, 2017

Dad’s still sick so I got to have lunch again today with Jane! She asked about my dad but told me it was ok to see me 2 days in a row.

Jane was up & getting ready for lunch when I got there. She gave me a big smile once we sat down at the table together. I always ask Jane how she is doing when I first visit with her. Usually she says ok or good. But today she said not good – this caused me some concern. But she ate well for me & wanted to walk after, so I didn’t push for more. She was quiet today, but seemed to be happy walking with me. She was slower today than yesterday & when we sat in our swing, I noticed her breathing was labored. I asked her if it hurt to breath & she said no, but she continued to show signs of labored breathing. No running nose or cough, but I wanted the nurse to see her anyway so we went inside. The med tech came right away & checked all of Jane’s vitals – all good & no fever but she told me she had noticed Jane’s breathing was labored too so she called the nurse for me. Danielle listened to Jane’s lungs – fine upper, not clear in the lower. Could be Jane is beginning a cold or it could be she is not breathing deeply, which will cause crud to build up in her lungs – that will begin in her lower lungs. Danielle ordered a chest x-ray & we will know more after that is done. Luckily they are able to do that in Jane’s room so she won’t have to go anywhere or suffer any distress. Jane really likes Danielle & when Danielle asked her if it hurt to breath, she told her yes. Danielle agreed with me – Jane did not seem like her usual self, but she said the crud had been going around the facility & that could easily be all Jane is suffering from. I’m not sure her brain allows her to understand having a cold anymore so I’m hopeful we can treat this quickly & remove the discomfort for Jane.

The first picture is from our usual swing. We sat on the couch watching tv while we waited on the nurse. We talked about my sister & how she will be here in 8 days – that made Jane happy. I asked her if we could send a pic to Bobbi – this is what generated the smile in the 2nd picture.

I love the assisted living facility where Jane is now living, but they have many people living there & sometimes its not as noticeable to them when something is off with Jane. This is why it is vital to check regularly on your loved ones when they are in the hospital or assisted living facility. Your loved one is counting on you to be their advocate. I know it is hard to see someone you love this way – but never forget they need you. This is why my dad insists someone see Jane each day. It could be him, my brother, me or a close friend. My heart aches for those who do not have regular visitors.