December 6, 2017

Wednesday lunch with Jane

Today’s cupcake was Rum Raisin. I wasn’t sure about it when I grabbed it today, but I know Jane appreciates new flavors so I decided to give it a go. As I took it out of the box it smelled amazing! I held it up for Jane to smell & she agreed. I did not try it but Jane assured me it tasted as good as it smelled. When I asked if she would like that flavor again she nodded yes & smiled.

Jane was talking up a storm today – unfortunately I did not understand. Everything came out as jibber jabber. The only time I understood Jane today was when I asked her direction questions for her to answer. I never got the sense Jane was desperate to get a message to me like I have previously when she jabbers a lot so perhaps she was just wanting to talk today. She seemed relaxed & content & was by far the happiest when she was walking around – so we did lots of walking. It was a beautiful day today in Phoenix & perfect walking weather.

I told Jane that Bobbi is planning a visit again soon. She grinned from ear to ear & I could tell that totally made her day. I don’t know if Jane understands Bobbi is her daughter but she absolutely knows her name & knows she loves her. I am grateful dementia has not taken away Jane’s love of her family. I have no doubt that is my step-mom’s strong will fighting to hold on to that. The disease may have taken her words from her, but not her ability to feel love. My hope is that she will hold onto our love always & feel loved even as she takes her last breath. I know there is a chance dementia will take that away from her – but I feel like dementia will lose that battle with Jane. Love is powerful & I believe it transcends even death.

Dementia sucks