December 6, 2016

Heading to Florida tomorrow to hang out with Tony Robbins so I moved my Wednesday lunch with Jane to Tuesday. She was very happy to see me & grateful to have my assistance at lunch. She shares her lunch table with a lady named Mary who doesn’t understand boundaries. She kept trying to steal Jane’s dessert today but my stepmom always taught me not to allow others to push you around so I held Mary at bay. Every time she would try to steal Jane’s food, Jane looked very concerned. When I would successfully fend Mary off & save Jane’s dessert, Jane would look at me & smile. I believe her way of saying thank you.

Jane continues to lose her language which has led to her being pretty quiet most days. But she still listens intently when I speak & she seems to still enjoy my stories. Today I told her I looked out my kitchen window to see a big bobcat sitting there & Jane’s eyes got huge & she looked a bit concerned. I said it’s ok, he won’t hurt me or the dogs. She said ok & relaxed. Which leads me to believe that even though she struggles with her words back to me, she still understands what we say to her. How frustrating that must be for her to no longer be able to communicate like she did in the past.

Jane’s dear friend, Joan, had been to visit this weekend. I asked Jane if Joan had stopped by & she grinned from ear to ear. I am grateful for friends like Joan that still come visit with Jane. She clearly appreciates the visit, even if she is not able to articulate the words.

I tend to share my life with Jane when I visit. I told her all about the network marketing event I had attended in Vegas over the weekend. She was very interested. We were treated to a performance by The Tenors & luckily I was able to get a bit of the performance on my phone. Jane really enjoyed their music & hummed along to Hallelujah. Music clearly still speaks to her soul.

My visits with Jane have changed significantly over the past year. Where we used to converse back & forth, now she listens, holds my hand & smiles. Her pace of walking has slowed significantly recently & she holds on to me tighter. I am grateful she still has the ability to hold my hand & can still walk, even if it is slow. Jane & I both really enjoy our walks around her home. It’s our time to be away from everyone else & nothing else matters but Jane. Life is precious – enjoy every moment.