August 31, 2016

Lunch date with Jane. Better visit today. She was a bit agitated when I first arrived. I asked her what was wrong & she said she was mad at her mom. I said ok – I’ll be mad at her with you & that calmed Jane down. She was not as willingly eating her lunch today & did not want to eat her veggies so we skipped to dessert.

Jane enjoys taking walks so after lunch we took a nice walk outside & watched the birds. She was in a rush to get outside today – I think she just really enjoys the 1 on 1 time.

My visits with Jane are not always easy. It broke my heart on Saturday when she had no recollection of me at all. But I will continue to go see her every week until she chooses to leave this world. I am grateful to have the time with her & grateful she will always take a picture to send to my dad. We always text him the picture to which he typically responds with some comment about his beautiful princess. Makes Jane smile every time.