April 26, 2017

Wednesday lunch with Jane:

It’s been a super busy day getting ready for my trip, but that didn’t interfere with my Wednesday lunch date – just held me up from posting about it.

Today I brought Jane a peanut butter cupcake & it smelled really good so I asked Jane if I could have a bite – she smiled & said yes. Jane was very happy today – I got lots of smiles from her & she communicated with me more than she has in months. She was relaxed today & happy to visit. I’ve been telling her about my trip to the Dominican Republic for the last couple of weeks so today I said guess what? Tonight’s the big night! I talked about my trip & she seemed happy to listen. I asked her what I should do while I was there & she said “toes, sand.” I asked, “should I put my toes in the sand?” She grinned from ear to ear & said YES! I asked if she would like me to bring her back a sea shell & she said no, just toes, sand. I take that as her way of telling me to just go & have a wonderful time. Jane was very affectionate with me today. Holding my hand, patting my arm, hugging me & stopping just to look me in the eyes & smile. It was her way of telling me she loves me. It was the best visit we have had in months. Such a great send off for my trip.

As Jane & I were walking, I told her how much I enjoy our visits. I asked, “do you enjoy our visits?” She looked me deep in the eyes & said “oh yes.” I said “ok good – so it doesn’t have anything to do with the cupcakes I bring?” She was silent but I could tell she was thinking. So I probed a bit more. I said, “Jane, would you still visit with me if I didn’t bring cupcakes?” She thought for a minute & said, “I don’t know.” Clear as day! What?!?! She was teasing me – Jane used to enjoy teasing me before the disease took over her mind.

Today was a good day. It’s a day I will cherish & it will stay with me to help me through the bad days.

As I was leaving Jane, I walked past Pat, a resident of the same facility. She lives in a different house than Jane, but she likes to walk with Jane & me sometimes after lunch. She stopped to talk to me & asked if I could help her. She told me she is out searching for her dog – someone opened the door & he ran out. She said she is sad without him. She doesn’t have a dog living with her, but she doesn’t remember, this disease has taken that from her. After I promised to ask at the office about her dog, I came across another resident who asked for help. She was trying to get outside to meet her friend. When I inquired at the front, I was told her friend didn’t come today, but it was an every day thing for this resident to go to the front looking for her. It’s so important to see the people you care about. It does not matter if they no longer remember who you are – they always remember how they feel when you are next to them. I don’t want my stepmom to ever wonder if someone is coming to see her today. I want her to always know she is loved & we will always be here for her. It is something so easy for me to do – only takes a couple of hours of my time – but makes such a huge, positive impact on Jane. Shouldn’t everyone feel special & loved?