April 2, 2017

My stepmom, Jane, is 66 today. 66. She & my dad should be celebrating her birthday in some exotic location, not her assisted living home. I don’t think Jane even knows it’s her birthday – or what that means. But she did know today she is loved & she is special. We first celebrated her birthday outside under the tree, just Jane, my dad, my brother, sister-in-law & me. Jane was very excited for her cupcake & told me they were good. After walking around for awhile & spending time together we wandered back into Jane’s home to share with her house mates & care givers. At first Jane didn’t want to share, but I told her not to worry, there were plenty of cupcakes for everyone & for Jane to have a 2nd cupcake – which she did. Jane was fairly quiet again today & moving very slowly. But that didn’t stop her from attempting to talk to each of us.

Once everyone had a cupcake, we had a few left over. I asked Jane what she wanted to do with them & she just looked at me blankly. So I asked, should we give them to the puppies since they helped bake them this morning? And Jane said Yes! So we sent a cupcake home for Lola & Domino (my brother & sister-in-law’s dogs) & I took the rest home for my pack. I have 3 cupcakes to split between the 5 of them so no one will get an entire cupcake, but I don’t think they will mind.

I am grateful the cupcakes made Jane smile & a handful of her housemates too. You will notice there are no family photos today. That is because when I asked Jane if she wanted to take a picture she said no. The only pictures she allowed today were of her enjoying her cupcake.