April 10, 2017

Can I just say I have the most amazing friends?!?!

If you follow my posts about my stepmom, you know Jane loves homemade cupcakes. A few days ago, my fabulous friend, Melinda, texted & said, “I’m making cupcakes this weekend for my niece’s birthday – can I set aside a couple for Jane?” She baked them yesterday & gave me a couple last night – for Jane. So I made a special quick trip to see Jane today & take her the cupcakes – while they were fresh.

Jane’s sister Nancy had been here this weekend visiting with Jane & I arrived just when Nancy was leaving. Jane was a bit tired (I think she & Nancy had been sharing stories & laughs) but she smiled when she saw me & perked up when I told her Melinda made her a couple cupcakes. I couldn’t get her up out of her chair to go sit in the kitchen so I fed her the cupcake in the family room – in front of some of her housemates. Luckily they seemed to be snoozing & didn’t notice what Jane was eating. Jane loved every bite of her cupcake & then we took this pic to send to my dad. Jane wanted to look at the picture & when she saw the two of us she grinned a huge grin. I’m glad it makes her happy to see the two of us together. Jane didn’t want the second cupcake today so I asked her if we should save it for tomorrow & she said YES! Melinda had wrapped it in foil for Jane so I set it in her room & texted my dad to help Jane eat it tomorrow when he visits.

I know my days are limited & I know less & less makes Jane smile. Dementia is a horrible disease & it robs our loved ones away from us, bit by bit, day by day. I love that Jane still enjoys cupcakes & I am incredibly grateful my friend Melinda thought of us & wanted to share. Surround yourself with great people & never shy away from small gestures. Because in tough times it is the smallest gestures that have the biggest impact. And you never know when your small gesture makes all the difference for someone else.